
Everyone loves Penguins - and so do we.

Our charming hanging Penguins make lovely gifts all year round.

Fun fact: A group of Penguins in the water is called a Raft, but on land that group is called a Waddle!

Results 1 - 10 of 10

Black & White Glass Penguin


Black and white hand sculpted glass penguin

Blue and White Glass Penguin


Blue and white had sculpted glass penguin

Chilli Red and White Penguin


Chilli red and white hand sculpted penguin

Pastel Berry Glass Penguin


Pastel berry hand sculpted glass penguin

Pastel Blue Glass Penguin


Pastel blue hand sculpted glass penguin

Pastel Lavender Glass Penguin


Pastel lavender hand sculpted glass penguin

Pastel Pink Glass Penguin


Pastel pink hand sculpted glass penguin

Pink and White Glass Penguin


Pink and white hand sculpted glass penguin

Purple and White Glass Penguin


Purple and white hand sculpted glass penguin

Topaz and White Glass Penguin


Topaz and white hand sculpted glass penguin

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